Monday, May 24, 2010

Plan B: Skip College

I think that a college education is important but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Don't push yourself financially if it's going to make your life miserable for the next 20 years. There are other options you can do to almost replace a college education. You can do it online or go to a school like BCIT (Burlington City Institute of Technology) to get a head start in your field.
There are even ways to minimize the cost. You can take advantage of AP tests, make registering deadlines for SATs, go to a community college, or even join the military to get a few free years of college.
I think the reason why a college education is so important is because there are ways to graduate if you can't afford it. Almost anyone can get it if they truly want it bad enough.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I hate having family over. I mean, it's cool to catch up on things but after an hour, they get over the fact that they shouldn't be asking for anything and demand everything.
My grandma and aunt came over this weekend. They immediately start asking for things to do around the house. Really? You're on vacation. You can take a break. But no. They insist on doing crafts or sewing.
Oh, and my head is killing me.
It's actually quite obnoxious.
and I'm hungry.

Monday, May 10, 2010


This site is very interesting. I only use it to find out what people really think of me. It doesn't bother me because I know not everyone enjoys my presence. If someone's curious about something then why not answer it?
I've been asked some semi-hurtful questions. Sure, I'll post them with an answer just so I don't have to get it again.

Either way, the website died down. People only post if they see the link but advertising your own personal formspring is more of a hassle than answering the "tough" questions.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kyleigh's Law

I think the law has good intentions. However, it's almost like they only thought part of a solution and not the reprocussions of the proposed solution.
I personally don't mind the curfew being brought back by an hour. I go to bed at 9:30 almost every night. It doesn't bother me.
Having 1 passenger in the car no matter what is a little much but that's still not terrible.
However, showing a tiny decal on my license plates bothers me. I still don't have them on and I don't plan on putting them on until I get pulled over. I have 2 pairs in my glove compartment just in case.
I can say two things:
1) I didn't know where to put them. There was no media coverage of this law until the 1st on the 11pm news. Like I said before, I'm fast asleep by then.
2) Someone must have peeled them off and I didn't notice.

The law is fine. Up until these decals.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I do pack, and will not blink

I think threats against lawmakers should be taken seriously. Not assigning them guns but providing extra protection for 2 weeks.
Although lawmakers should be worried, they shouldn't have to go out of their ways to assure their safety. The state/local/federal government should provide this protection instead of litering our semi-safe streets with more weapons.

Monday, April 12, 2010


He's a pretty cool golfer. I mean, a golfer that can get with as many chicks as him is an amazing role model. Yeah, his scandal will increase the ratings of golf tournaments like the Masters. But uh, yeah. Everyone still likes him because he is good at golf.

To be honest, I really don't need to do anything in the 4th marking period. I got a 97 in the first marking period, a 99 in the third, and a 99 on the midterm. I'm pretty good for the rest of the year.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project.

Pepsi came up with the idea to spend 1.3 million dollars on projects around the nation to better the country. This is a fantastic idea because it not only advertises Pepsi products but allows communities to have a voice in what they think needs work on.

My favorite is the Project P.O.T.S "Peace on the Street". This project's aim is to stop violence on the streets; again. I feel that with the elimination of crime in neighborhoods will affect other things in that neighborhood. The less crime there is, the more likely businesses will want to have a store there which will positively affect the economy in that area. The better the economy, the more likely the people in the neighborhood will be better financially prepared for the future.

What I don't like about this project is that $14,000 is spent on program directors. That's slightly over 25% of the money they would get. However, if everything else is spent appropriately, this project can become very successful and would inspire other communities to do the same.